- ごく標準的{ひょうじゅんてき}な(光学材料{こうがく ざいりょう}の)溶融法{ようゆうほう}
essentially standard optical melting procedure 意味
- "essentially identical to" 意味
- "essentially inevitable" 意味
- "essentially mean getting rid of" 意味
- "essentially no different from" 意味
- "essentially same with, become" 意味
- "essentially the same" 意味
- "essentially the same with only minor differences" 意味
- "essentially turn 180 degrees around" 意味
- "essentially unrestricted" 意味
- "essentially no different from" 意味
- "essentially same with, become" 意味
- "essentially the same" 意味
- "essentially the same with only minor differences" 意味